9 Design Portfolio Examples

Your web designer portfolio represents your skills, style and ability to meet your prospective client’s needs. While your content will be largely determined by your education and the opportunities that you’ve had, the way in which your design portfolios are actually designed will tell people a lot about you. The only real limitations here are the medium that you use and your imagination. With this being said, here are some design portfolio examples that you may wish to consider using yourself:
1. The first of our many design portfolio examples is the full screen or page design. This will give the most impact but you do need to make sure that it’s still easy to navigate.
2. An introduction is one of the most common design portfolio examples but this is different than in print because here it can be short as you want to include more thumbnail examples than anything else.
3. Sliders are nice in that they’re interactive for your viewers while helping you with navigation.
4. A grid layout is very common but will require some writing to explain what you’re showing off.
5. Blog style will require even more writing as you’ll need to include the corresponding title, dates and description either beside or below each image.
6. A thumbnail gallery is easy to present but viewers aren’t provided with much detail here.
7. Collages are quite popular but should only be used when you’re showcasing an entire body of work.
8. The minimal portfolio is a great way to place emphasis on your work without using many other colors or graphics to detract from it.
9. The artistic style can really show yourself and your personality off because you can be as creative and unconventional as you desire.
Now that you see how web design portfolios can be laid out, you should take some time to think about how you want your design portfolios to look and what you want them to say about you. Putting some time and thought into this will go a long way. Remember, as we stated before, the only real limit here is your own imagination. So, now is the time to shine and show off some of your skills with through these various graphic design portfolio examples.