A Million Ways To Market

With the importance of digital marketing being touted widely these days, and printing jobs requiring paper and ink and so on, it can be easy to overlook the embodied world as a meaningful location for marketing and branding initiatives. Yet there are distinct advantages to taking your marketing campaign into the real world and building your brand through the material environment. Here are some ways of going about doing that which will elevate your brand.
- The Mail:
- Some might say that mail is an old and outdated way of getting the word out, but consider the facts. 73% of U.S. consumers claim to prefer direct mail for brand communications, so that they can read the information at their convenience. Given that this seems to be the preferred way for people to digest marketing content, it is no surprise that $44.5 billion was spent on direct mail marketing by American companies in 2014. If $44.5 billion in printing jobs isn’t enough to convince you, recall that 62% of Americans claim to actually enjoy checking the mailbox. How many people enjoy checking their e-mail or viewing content on a billboard? There is no doubt about it; direct mail marketing is one of the best ways to get the word out. Many companies offer large format and wide format digital printing jobs, as well as rush printing, to accommodate your business’ particular needs and strategy.
- Custom Printed Items:
- 84% of Americans will retain company’s name if they receive promotional gifts with that company’s logo on it. These printing jobs can be more expensive and time-consuming than dashing off a tsunami of flyers, but they are much more memorable and personal ways of presenting your brand’s message.
- Outdoor Advertising
- Outdoor advertising costs 80% less than television advertising, 60% less than newspaper ads, and 50% less than radio advertisements. Although the printing jobs may be initially expensive (and enormous), they demonstrate a true commitment to the brand, and monopolize public space in a way that commands attention and respect.
Combining the right print marketing techniques, along with a strong digital strategy, is essential for marketing your brand effectively. Let us know your experience and approach with these printing jobs below.