File Transfer Security on the Rise

The IT industry has grown rapidly in recent years with the explosion of smartphones, mobile devices, and social media. Companies have taken advantage of these advancements, sometimes fitting their employees with more than two or three devices for productivity purposes. This usually means working on-the-go or from home is increasingly becoming acceptable.
But technological advances also come with risks as well. As more people have remote access to any network, secure file transfer services are critical to protect company data. This is especially true with email, as this is one of most frequent modes of contact used. Employees and clients send emails back and forth, attaching files from a company server, accessing highly sensitive information.
While secure file transfer servers (SFTP) have been effective in protecting data delivery methods, there are still some concerns.
Here are two things to watch out for this year.
- Hackers and Apps. Hackers are trying to find new ways to break into a secure system, and while SFTP servers do offer a level of security, they do not necessarily save a company from hackers that try to break into mobile devices. Experts are warning companies to beware of hackers that try to infiltrate devices using apps that appear to be ordinary, but are actually malware that corrupt a network and steal information.
- Heightened Security. As more employees conduct business transactions using their own devices, or from their own home network, IT companies will need to to find even more secure file transfer services to protect their remote network. Employees will likely be accessing company information through email and other methods, and this will require a higher level of security as multiple users connecting to a company server opens up the network to possible security breaches.
There is no way to completely secure a network from hackers or data loss, because hackers are becoming more savvy as technology changes. But increased security measures could be the only way to stop the majority of breaches from happening.