Three Reasons Your Company Might Want to Use Cloud Technology

According to the latest report from the Cloud Industry Forum, cloud computing has now achieved “mainstream deployment” throughout the UK, with almost 80% of companies now using at least one cloud-based service.
The study, which was conducted in 2014, polled about 250 IT business leaders. The study further suggested that, by the end of 2014, there will be a 20% overall annual increase in cloud hosting adaption. The study first began in 2010 — since then, cloud solutions adoption in the UK has increased by 62% overall.
Overall, large, private companies have the highest rates of adoption. The public sector has the slowest rate.
There are many reasons why cloud adoption is becoming more prevalent in countries around the world. How could using cloud hosting services help your company? Here are three things to keep in mind.
1. Flexibility
When you’re trying to build up your company, you don’t want to be held back by a lack of space. Yet using in-house hardware limits a company’s ability to be flexible when it comes to data solutions. Cramming isn’t the right solution, but upgrading can be costly. When companies use cloud, they can pay for storage only when they need it, and not when they don’t.
2. Better Software Updates
Multiple data breaches over the past year have made it clear that companies need to step up their game when it comes to protecting valuable information. Software updates and patches help to make sure there are no holes when it comes to your security. A data breach, even if it doesn’t cost you money initially, can cost you the trust of your consumers. Cloud technology allows you to receive security and software updates quickly and consistently so that your data is never left unprotected.
3. Lower Overhead
Having paper is expensive in more ways in one. The paper itself is not usually that costly, though it will tack extra money onto your overhead bill each month. The real cost is through printing ink and the labor it takes to organize said papers. Some studies estimate that a single piece of paper, once used, has a price of 13 times its original cost. Switching to cloud can help you keep information safely in one place without having to print it for your records. This saves you floor space, labor costs, and material costs.
Are you interested in cloud computing solutions? Let us know in the comments. To learn more, read this. Continue reading here.