Want to Learn How to Increase Your Website Traffic?

Did you know that, according to WorldwideWebSize.com, there are more than 1.85 billion indexed pages on the web? Each and every one of those pages is competing with your website for traffic and a piece of the $1.25 trillion Internet Retailer estimates is spent online each and every year. Unless you want your business to flounder in the Internet Age, you need to take serious steps toward website optimization, and increase your website traffic immediately.
If you’re thinking to yourself, “Thanks, but I’ve heard that all before,” and you remain frustrated at your inability to implement search engine optimization and other important methods of improving your website traffic, you’ve come to the right place. By using these simple SEO tips, you can put your website a step ahead of the rest without a fuss.
Four Simple Ways to Improve Your Website Traffic
- Take a Varied Approach to Your Keywords
- Write Active, Punchy Content
- Get Social
- Mix Breaking and Evergreen Topics
Even though business website development and content production has moved toward a “content is king” approach, using keywords in your content remains an important way of driving website traffic through search results. Try taking a dynamic approach, changing what keywords you use in your content based on what’s popular or unpopular in search terms, as Mashable recommends. This is the best way to ensure you’re covering all of your bases.
For CreativeMarket.com, one of the simplest but most effective ways to increase your website traffic is to write attractive titles and content. You can write punchier content in a number of ways. Firstly, keep title length to a minimum. No one is going to click on a link if the title reads like a novella. Secondly, write actively. Passive speech may make you sound more authoritative and important, but it ultimately makes for a dry, slow piece. As a general rule, ask yourself if you would read the content you’re producing to create something better.
According to Statistic Brain, over two billion people use Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social media platforms. If you’re a private individual looking to draw more attention to your blog, share your content with your friends and family. However, if you’re trying to increase website traffic to your business page, you need to build a full social media presence, earn the trust of potential and actual clients, and then use them to generate views and shares of your content.
Generating website traffic through your blog is all about balancing the type of information you share. Tapping into a breaking story that’s relevant to your brand, known as “newsjacking,” can generate huge bursts of traffic for a limited time. On the other hand, writing content that has no expiration date is a great way to generate a lower amount of traffic over a longer period of time. As The Huffington Post writes, mixing evergreen content with breaking information is a powerful combination for generating website traffic.
Generating more website traffic is a huge deal if you want to survive in the Internet Age, but it doesn’t have to be rocket science. Implement these four tips, and watch your traffic, and business, improve. Read this website for more information.