4 Ways You Can Protect Your House From Frequent Storms

Life in an area prone to heavy storms can be stressful for homeowners, who worry over the protection of their homes in an event of bad weather. Having storm protection can be the difference between minor damage and thousands of dollars worth of property repair. Every house is prone to storm damage, so here are a few tips that will keep your home protected from any storm.
Windows and Doors
When protecting your house from an upcoming storm, you’ll want to make sure your windows and doors are protected. The best way to protect windows and glass doors is to install storm shutters, which prevent wind and debris from entering your home. If your house does not have bolts strong enough for strong winds, install a few more additional bolts to keep the storm out.
Trim Your Trees
During a heavy storm, branches can easily break off the trees in your yard. This can cause damage to your roof, or even send debris through your windows. Trim your tree branches to reduce the possibility of damage, and cut down any dead trees, which can easily uproot after a storm.
Roof Fortification
Strong winds can attack your roof, causing homeowners thousands of dollars in repairs. Triangular roofs are the most prone to wind damage, and often need extra support in order to brace for stronger winds. By adding braces in the trusses or at the roof ends, a homeowner can ensure their roof won’t be blown away by heavy winds.
Stand By Generator Installation
When the power goes out during a storm, there’s no telling when the electricity will turn back on. We rely on electricity to cook and store our food and keep our heating and cooling running. If you live in an area prone to black outs, consider installing battery energy storage systems, such as stationary batteries. Stationary battery installations are quick, and should be easy to maintain. In the case of a blackout, energy storage systems will kick in to provide power to your home. Once the power is back, the generator will turn off and you will be seamlessly returned to the grid power.