3 Ways A Professional Answering Service Will Improve Your Business

The U.S. telecommunications industry is booming right now, with an employee arsenal of nearly 25,000 and an estimated revenue of 10 billion. (Some estimates are even in the trillions). If you’re a small HVAC company or a medical services industry, you might be wondering how all this telecommunications hooplah is relevant to you. We have three words for you: Professional answering service. If you incorporate a customized professional answering service into just about any business model with a high customer interaction rate, you’re liable to improve upon the following things:
1. Data
If you run a 9 to 5 business operation and shut off the phones at night, you could be missing out on customer interactions that might provide valuable feedback and statistics for your business during the other two thirds of the day. However, if you were to provide a professional answering service for after hours answering to handle client questions and concerns, you would have a more complete picture of who is seeking your services. Live telephone answering service systems are especially important to have in place if you work in the health industry, as many clients of these services are elderly and will be most comfortable seeking services over the phone rather than the internet.
2. Customer Service
Employing a call handling service that best fits your business model is absolutely essential to providing high quality customer service because it helps to address any problems as quickly and seamlessly as possible. Believe it or not, most businesses only hear from 4% of their unsatisfied customers, and these customers are fully twice as likely to spread around the story of their bad customer service experience as they are to laud a good one. That means you could be getting a lot of bad press you don’t even know about! With a live operator answering service at your disposal, you will have more control over the customer’s experience and the way they represent you to the outside world. Finally, increased customer service almost always leads to an increase in…
3. Profits
You might be so preoccupied with the back end of your business operations that customer service can seem like a tiresome icing on the cake to deal with at the weekly HR meeting. But research shows that companies that make customer service a priority bank fully 60% more in profits than their competitors! At the end of the day, people want to be treated like human beings during the buying process, and the majority of people will keep trying different proprietors until they find one that meets their customer service needs.
Become that proprietor. When your customers come calling, you make sure that someone is there to answer!