5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Digital Marketing Company

Local business marketing is a challenge for any small business owner, especially if you’re just starting out. A small marketing budget often means a struggle to get and keep customers. One of the smartest things you can do to maximize the use of your budget is to make sure you’ve got the best internet marketing companies on your side. Read on to learn more about why digital marketing is fast becoming the most important marketing you do: even in local business marketing.
- Your website is your first impression. You know what they say about first impressions, and it’s true. Surveys shows that almost fifty percent of people say the number one factor for them in determining whether a business is credible is its website design. An enormous 94% of people cite the design as their reason for rejecting or distrusting a website. And, unfortunately, it takes only 0.05 seconds for a person to make an opinion about your website. Increasingly, it doesn’t matter how great your business model or how perfect your in-person customer service: without professional web design you’ll struggle to get and keep new customers.
- You have to be able to reach mobile users. Local business marketing strategies never used to worry much about the mobile phone, other than as a tool to make and receive phone calls. These days, though, half of people who have a mobile phone use it as their primary way of getting on the internet. A 2017 report found that more than 80% of marketers in America are concerned about optimizing any social videos for viewing on mobile devices.
- You need to know how to engage with social media. Businesses live and die by social media these days. A 2017 report by Animoto found that 64% of people bought something after they watched a Facebook marketing video. Two-thirds of social media marketing professionals say that Facebook is the most important platform to be on, and a SalesForce Marketing Cloud report found recently that 83% of customers love it or at least like it when a business will respond to them via social media.
- Local business marketing needs a strong SEO strategy. That means you need to know how to make sure your website is trending to the top of searches for relevant keywords about your business, especially in your area. Business2Community found that the top three search results get 60% of the organic clicks. With Google updating its algorithms 500 to 600 times a year, you need a professional local SEO marketing company to keep your site tracking where it needs to be to get the clicks you need.
- You need to make sure the right reviews are in the right places. A 2015 report in Search Engine Journal found that 88% of consumers are reading reviews online when they decide whether a local business is worth patronizing. Of those consumers, 72% say that positive reviews make them trust a company. It is crucial to your marketing strategy that you know how to get those reviews and where to put them to ensure that potential customers will read them.
Local business marketing needs to figure for the digital world as much as for the physical when it comes to reaching out to potential customers and raising brand awareness. If you’re a small business trying to make a start, make sure you’ve got the right business marketing company on your side so you can get established right.