Purpose of Cryogenic Hoses

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Purpose of Cryogenic Hoses

What are cryogenic hoses and what is their purpose? Watch this video to learn more about the technology of a cryogenic hose.

Cryogenic hoses (also known as cryogenic transfer hoses) are designed to remain flexible at very low temperatures and are ideal for moving liquid gases such as methane, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, or helium. They are used in applications such as rapidly freezing foods, preserving biological materials, and transferring liquid gases in industrial, medical, ship-to-shore, road- or rail-tanker, and in-plant applications.

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hose assemblies are constructed using corrugated stainless steel hose, braided stainless steel over braid for pressure resistance, and welded-on stainless steel female NPT ends. Cryogenic hoses are a great technological advancement to transfer precious gases. They are very important for traveling and preservation. New updates to these are being completed to be even more efficient for moving liquid gases.


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