What’s The Most Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Is your social media marketing strategy up to snuff?
Whether you updated it a month ago or a year ago, it’s worth asking again. Digital marketing moves at the speed of light and what may have seemed relevant the other day could be all but obsolete now. One source says e-mail marketing is a thing of the past. Another source says it’s making a comeback. One study is seeing a dip in social media marketing. Another is saying to pick it up while it’s still hot. You should never put all your eggs in one basket, so it’s time to start asking questions about your entire marketing approach.
Does Your Website Fit Modern Standards?
Some things never change. Good design has always emphasized a ‘less is more’ philosophy, using basic color schemes and simple layouts for everything from street signs to printable brochures. Web design is no different. Your social media marketing strategy should always start with creating a website that’s attractive, informative and, most of all, cohesive. It takes a mere 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. Make sure it’s a good one.
Is Your Website Customized For Mobile Devices?
Let’s say your website is doing pretty well. Your contact information is easy to find, your color scheme is pleasing and there are no intrusive banners preventing people from browsing your services. Can your potential customers see all of this on their phone? It’s thought as many as 50% of mobile phone owners will use their phone as their main source of browsing the Internet. This has lead over 80% of marketers (according to a very recent 2017 report) to optimize their videos for mobile devices.
Are You Creating A Steady Flow Of Content?
Content marketing has always been in. As the saying goes — “Out of sight, out of mind.” Consumers love a business that is providing them a regular feed to enjoy throughout the week. Over 70% of marketers across the globe have stated creating relevant content for their customers to enjoy is the most effective SEO tactic. Before we get into SEO consider looking at your digital marketing budget and determine what you could be adding. The ideal social media marketing strategy is one that not only reaches out to customers, but makes them want to come back.
Have You Used SEO Before?
Knowing the difference between inbound and outbound leads is crucial if you want to save money. Direct mail and print advertising aren’t dead, far from it, but SEO has been leading the pack for years for its affordable cost and lucrative benefits. Business2Community found around 60% of all organic clicks going to the top three search results, meaning there are entire pages that are overlooked in favor of convenience. Making your brand stand out means dipping your fingers in more pies, with SEO a great addition to any social media marketing strategy.
Do You Know What Your Customers Want?
It doesn’t matter the product or service you provide. Customers want competitive prices, easy-to-obtain information and, perhaps most importantly of all, a good experience. A lackluster website is a surefire way to end a long-term business relationship before it even begins, which is nothing to say of all the other ways you could be sabotaging your own future. (over 90% of people said poor web design was the primary reason they mistrusted a website and sought other options). Content creation is a reliable way to keep your customers engaged and optimizing your website for mobile will ensure you reach as many people as possible.
Social media marketing is only getting faster from here. Make sure your digital strategy can keep up!